Michelle Mbuthia

Michelle Mbuthia

Communications Officer

ABOUT Michelle Mbuthia

Michelle is a Communications Officer in the Policy Engagement and Communications Division. She has more than six years working in advocacy, outreach, and information. Prior to joining APHRC in 2018, she worked with the Food and Agriculture Organization and Tax Justice Network Africa.

Michelle holds an MA Communications (Strategic Corporate Communications) from the United States International University – Africa and BA in Journalism and Media Studies (Development Communication) from the University of Nairobi.

She is passionate about graphic design and social media and their roles in translating research for general audiences.

You can find her on Twitter (@njerimbuthia) talking all things African.

Catalyze – Mental Health: Evidence on catalysts of change for youth mental health in Africa
The Catalyze – Mental Health project will advance a comprehensive…
Challenging the politics of social exclusion (CPSE)
Africa’s young people and women continue to bear a huge…
Sex, Gender and COVID-19
The Sex, Gender and Covid-19 Project is a partnership of…
The gendered socialization of very young adolescents in schools and sexual and reproductive health
Adolescents in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, particularly those in…
The Right to Food: A Welcome Trust International Engagement Fellowship
Dr. Elizabeth Kimani-Murage was awarded an International Engagement Fellowship from…