PROMOTE Project 2022 Newsletter – (English version) Posted on 03/03/2023 (03/03/2023) by Allan Musumba PUBLICATIONS RESOURCES // PUBLICATIONS PROMOTE Project 2022 Newsletter – (English version) March 2023 Newsletters The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), the Institut Supérieur Des Sciences De La Population (ISSP) at the Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo from Burkina Faso, and the Centre for Social Research (CSR) at the University of Malawi are implementing the PROMOTE project In Burkina Faso and Malawi. The PROMOTE project is a 3-year pilot randomized controlled trial in Blantyre (Malawi) and Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) to estimate the incremental effect of three interventions aimed at facilitating adolescent mothers’ (re)entry into school or vocational training. The three interventions are; a cash transfer conditioned on (re)enrolment into school or vocational training; subsidized child care; and adolescent mothers’ clubs–a safe place where adolescent mothers will receive life skills training covering nurturing childcare, sexual and reproductive health (SRH), and financial literacy. The clubs will be facilitated by community health workers. This gender-transformative study aims to generate rigorous evidence that provides insights into how policymakers and program implementers can support pregnant and parenting adolescents to continue their education and improve their SRH and mental health. The project is funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Download CONTRIBUTORS Advocacy Manager Jane Valentine Mangwana Jane is an Advocacy Manager within the Policy Engagement and… View Profile Senior Communications Officer Michelle Mbuthia Michelle is a Senior Communications Officer in the Policy Engagement… View Profile Head of Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (SRMNCAH) Caroline Kabiru Dr. Caroline Kabiru leads the Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child… View Profile