Through the consortium, she works with 13 research teams in six countries—Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda to communicate, share evidence, and engage with decision makers, partners, and other stakeholders’ who work in the maternal and child health sector in national, regional and local levels. Her work aims to enhance the use of evidence to inform decision making in policy and practice to improve maternal and child health outcomes.
Lynette has over eight years’ experience in policy engagement, communications, and project management in the research and humanitarian sectors. Before joining APHRC, she worked with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) regional delegation in Nairobi where she was the Media Officer where she led the coverage of humanitarian responses by the ICRC in three countries, Djibouti, Kenya, and Tanzania. She also worked with media houses and journalism bodies in the three countries to enhance their skills in reporting on conflict and situations of violence. During her time at the ICRC, Lynette initiated a roundtable forum with journalism lecturers from Kenyan universities to discuss the challenges in the coverage of conflict and situations of violence by national media and how they can be addressed at curriculum level. Through her work, she also enhanced a better understanding of legal terminologies stipulated in International Humanitarian Law that inform conflict reporting. Lynette has a Master’s in International Studies and a Bachelor’s degree in Development Communication, both from the University of Nairobi.
Lynette has a keen interest in global health policy, reproductive, maternal and child health, and gender issues. She believes that evidence in decision making will facilitate the development of local solutions to address Africa’s challenges and unearth new frontiers.