Brief- Food Choices: Why We Eat What We Eat Posted on 19/07/2018 (09/09/2019) by Siki kigongo PUBLICATIONS RESOURCES // PUBLICATIONS Brief- Food Choices: Why We Eat What We Eat Health and Wellbeing July 2018 General In Kenya, overweight and obesity have increased by almost tenfold over the last six years (25% in 2008 to 33% in 2014) and are higher among urban dwellers compared to those in the rural areas. Noncommunicable diseases have also increased, now accounting for 27% of total ill health, a third of all deaths, and more than half of hospital bed occupancy in the country. The Photovoice activities that resulted in these photos and captions are a part of the research. Together with the other elements of the study, it is hoped to contribute new evidence on how to improve the consumption of healthy diets as a key strategy to overweight, obesity and related non-communicable diseases in Kenya. Download CONTRIBUTORS Senior Research Scientist; Head - Health and Wellbeing Theme | Lead - Nutrition and Food Systems Elizabeth Kimani-Murage Elizabeth, a Public Health Nutrition Specialist and a Senior Research… View Profile Head of Chronic Disease Management Gershim Asiki Gershim Asiki is a Research Scientist at APHRC, leading the… View Profile Senior Communications Officer Michelle Mbuthia Michelle is a Senior Communications Officer in the Policy Engagement… View Profile