Individual Capacity Strengthening Posted on 09/12/2019 (25/04/2024) by Chris Anyango RESEARCH AND RELATED CAPACITY STRENGTHENING RESEARCH // WHAT WE DO // Individual Capacity Strengthening Individual Capacity Strengthening The Individual Capacity Strengthening (ICS) unit seeks to strengthen the technical, intrapersonal, and interpersonal aspects of an individual’s capacity to undertake high-quality research or related functions that contribute to the development and implementation of Africa’s self-sufficiency in R&D. Programs African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship (ADDRF)Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) Fellowship ProgrammeAPHRC Bespoke TrainingCapacity Development and Applied Epidemiology (CDAE)Demand-Driven Internships, Visiting-Scholar and Fellowship ProgramsMultimorbidity in Africa: Digital Innovation, Visualization, and Application (MADIVA)Count Down 2030 Fellowships