Population Dynamics and Urbanization (PDU)


RESEARCH // WHAT WE DO // Population Dynamics and Urbanization (PDU)

Population Dynamics and Urbanization (PDU)

Focuses on the generation of evidence on urbanization and development; environment and sustainability; aging and development, as well as determinants of fertility.



Our efforts in these areas consolidate and expand research to understand the implications of major population trends in Africa, interactions with the environment, and climate change while examining their implications for development and sustainability.

Aging and Development: Understands the dynamics of population aging in Africa and its implications for well-being; life-course trajectories and transitions to long-term care; access to care; adaptations to societal changes; and approaches for developing social and economic systems in Africa that are age-friendly and ensure the well-being of older people.

Urbanization and Sustainability: Clarifies the role of slums as a feature of Africa’s rapid urbanization. Our goal is to develop health and well-being systems that help to respond to the unique aspects of slum life that go beyond urban poverty.

Fertility: Focuses on understanding the determinants of fertility trends in Africa, including why fertility has consistently remained high in some contexts, the stalling of fertility decline, and rapid decline among specific population sub-groups.