Maternal and Child Wellbeing


RESEARCH // WHAT WE DO // Maternal and Child Wellbeing

Maternal and Child Wellbeing

Signature Issue

The Center’s priority area for this unit is breastfeeding optimization. Situated within a broader Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition research agenda, this program aims to understand multiple influences of, and strategies to optimize early nutrition. It includes the magnitude of visible and hidden maternal and child malnutrition and the impacts of preconception nutrition and nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life on long-term health and human capital trajectories.


The Center’s approach to maternal and child wellbeing dissects and understands the social and physical factors of maternal health and child survival in order to develop and promote effective intervention strategies.

The priority area of this unit is to provide evidence for improving on the implementation of the nurturing care framework in sub-Saharan African countries. We focus in particular on understanding and improving factors affecting health, nutrition and stimulation of children. 

We also aim to understand the social and family enablers of mothers’ wellbeing for better care of children, including family wealth and dynamics, and mental health. 




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