The Implementation Network for Sharing Population Information from Research Entities (INSPIRE) Holds its AGM in Nairobi from June 10-14, 2024

June 10, 2024

Nairobi, June 10, 2024: The Implementation Network for Sharing Population Information from Research Entities (INSPIRE) will convene for its Annual General Meeting (AGM) with representatives from over 20 Health and Demographic Surveillance Sites (HDSS), key partners, policy-makers, and collaborators from June 10-14, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting will focus on the network’s progress in facilitating collaboration and data sharing for impactful African evidence generation, research, and policymaking.

The AGM will provide a platform to demonstrate the value of HDSS in addressing health challenges by analyzing their longitudinal population data using advanced data science tools. The meeting will allow members to demonstrate the increasing relevance of longitudinal population cohorts for generating strategies to solve Africa’s health challenges.

The AGM will address critical issues surrounding data governance and policy. It will explore the ethical considerations, regulatory frameworks, and best practices necessary for responsible data management and sharing. Discussions will highlight the importance of safeguarding data privacy and security while ensuring that data remains accessible and useful for research and policy formulation. Participants will explore strategies for developing robust data governance policies that align with international standards and local contexts, thereby fostering trust among data producers, researchers, and the broader community. 

Additionally, the AGM will review key INSPIRE strategic goals, prioritize career development opportunities for African data professionals, and strengthen connections with strategic partners, networks, and initiatives across Africa and beyond.

The AGM presents a unique opportunity for organizations interested in African population health data to engage in conversations, share best practices, and actively plan for future collaborations. INSPIRE’s support for data producers in Africa, its feedback analysis programs, and its collaborative efforts to build essential infrastructure all contribute to the potential for impactful research and data-driven decision-making.

Note to Editors


The Implementation Network for Sharing Population Information from Research Entities (INSPIRE) is a collaborative effort led by the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) alongside Analyzing Longitudinal Population-based HIV/AIDS data on Africa (ALPHA) network, South African Population Research Infrastructure Network (SAPRIN), Committee on Data of the International Science Council (CODATA), and Malawi Epidemiology and Intervention Research Unit (MEIRU).

For more information about INSPIRE, please visit

Media Contact: Christine Ger Ochola;