Unlocking Potential: A Comprehensive Policy Approach to Promoting Nurturing Care for Children with Developmental Disabilities

Human Development

  • July 2024
  • Briefing Papers

Developmental disabilities encompass a wide range of conditions affecting neurological and brain development in children, resulting in impairments that impact cognition, communication, mobility, and social interaction. Globally, it is estimated that over 53 million children live with developmental disabilities with a significant majority residing in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where access to specialized care and support is often limited. Despite their prevalence and impact on child development, children with developmental disabilities frequently encounter barriers to essential services, face social stigma, and lack adequate support systems to thrive. Children with developmental disabilities constitute a substantial population facing significant developmental challenges worldwide. Recent studies indicate that approximately 4.3% of children aged 0-4 years live with moderate-to-severe disabilities, highlighting the urgent need for targeted interventions early in life. In SSA, where resources are often constrained and healthcare systems struggle to meet basic needs, children with developmental disabilities are particularly vulnerable due to limited access to specialized healthcare services, educational opportunities, and social inclusion.



Post-Doctoral Research Scientist

Silas Onyango

Silas Onyango is a Post-doctoral Research Scientist in the Human…

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Communications Officer

Charity Waweru-Mwangi

Charity Waweru-Mwangi is a Communications Officer in the Synergy Unit…

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