Perspectives on Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Urban Senegal

October 16, 2013

Authors: Fotso, J.C., Sall, M.,  Sidze, E.M., Faye, C.M., Corroon, M., Béguy, D., & Sall, M.G

This report uses data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) conducted in Senegal in 1992/93, 1997, 2005,  and 2010/2011 to analyze and describe levels and trends of key indicators for the supply and demand of family planning, fertility, reproductive health, and maternal and child health outcomes with a focus on urban Senegal.

Special emphasis is placed on variables such as the place of residence, the level of instruction and the economic wellbeing of households. The Senegal DHS use a nationally representative sample and include all administrative regions of the country. The1992/93 and 1997surveys were carried out by the Direction de la Prévision et de la Statistique (Directorate of Previsions and Statistics) of the Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et du Plan (Ministry of Economics, Finance and Planning); the 2005 DHS was carried out by the Centre de Recherche pour le Développement Humain (Research Center for Human Development) [Senegal], and 2010/11 DHS-MICS was carried out by the Agence Nationale de la Statistique et de la Démographie (ANSD) (National Agency for Statistics and Demography).

Click here to read the Executive Summary in English and here for the full report in French.