
We emphasize strong cross-organizational collaboration with a focus on structured and strategic engagement. We work within key thematic areas, including […]

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A new systematic approach to knowledge management, with intuitive and routine mechanisms for tracking and analytics of all products is […]

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The Visibility Unit oversees institutional communications, ensuring optimum brand positioning and highlighting impact through policy engagement and communication activities. We […]

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Countdown to 2030 Initiative for Women, Children and Adolescents’ Health in Africa

Globally, there has been substantial progress in reducing maternal and deaths such that between 1990 and 2015, maternal and under-five child mortality declined by 44% and 58% respectively. 12 However, maternal mortality remains unacceptably high, especially in developing countries. At least two-thirds of all annual maternal and child deaths worldwide occur in sub-Saharan Africa Beyond inequities across countries and regions, significant inequities within countries persist. […]

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ANNUAL REPORT 2018: Breaking New Ground- Find out how APHRC is transforming lives in Africa

Word From the Executive Director

This was an exceptional year of evolution, growth and maturation for APHRC, illustrated both by the breadth of projects we implemented across our three programmatic divisions and the depth of the systems and operations we have put in place to support them. We are still prodigious in our publications – more than 70 in 2018, including two special issues of the BMC Public Health journal – on research drawn from a national survey on noncommunicable disease (NCD) risk factors in Kenya and an analysis of NCD prevention policies from six African countries.

But beyond publications, we are moving into new terrain, bringing our research findings into public and policy-oriented conversations, all the way from the study communities in which we collect our data to debates within the African Union Commission. In 2018, we embarked on structured public engagement as a way to bring the findings from our work back to the communities providing data and to co-create with them solutions to some of the problems identified by our research.

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Africa’s LGBT communities and the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals to “Leave No One Behind”

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched in late 2015 provide clear guidelines and targets for addressing the root causes of poverty and uniting the world in pursuit of positive change for both people and planet. Strongly grounded in international human rights standards, the SDGs aim for an inclusive world and put economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights and the right to development at the core of social progress. […]

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