Institutional design and management of a continental research fund in Africa Posted on 15/06/2022 (15/06/2022) by joshua PUBLICATIONS RESOURCES // PUBLICATIONS Institutional design and management of a continental research fund in Africa Research and Related Capacity Strengthening June 2022 Technical Reports Funding and delivery mechanisms for research and innovation are vital to developing sustainable research capacity that is necessary for knowledge economies and economic development. African states fund research and innovation through a mix of national research funds or councils (e.g., Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe); innovation funds (e.g., Botswana, Kenya); national science and technology councils (e.g., Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia); or through Ministries of Higher Education and/or Scientific Research. Yet, few African governments have met the African Union’s target for spending 1% of GDP on research and development [1]. Wenham and colleagues’ mapping of available data based on 2017/2018 (or latest year available) found that Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, and Tunisia are spending between 0.5 and 0.8% of GDP on research and development [1]. Download CONTRIBUTORS Deputy Executive Director Joseph Gichuru Wang’ombe Joseph is the Deputy Executive Director and the Director of… View Profile Business Development Manager Sheena Kayira Sheena supports the grants acquisition processes, grants management, partnership development… View Profile