The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) in conjunction with the Nairobi County Government handed over two neo-natal resuscitation machines to Mbagathi Hospital on the 28th of May, 2014. The ceremony was officiated by Dr.Timothy Moki Kingondu, the Nairobi County cabinet secretary for health.
The two neo-natal resuscitation machines were donated by Comic Relief and are part of a pilot project by APHRC through our Health Challenges and Systems (HCS) program to establish the effectiveness of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in the provision of health care to mothers, new-borns and children.
Through such partnerships, the Center seeks to increase the number of health facilities available to mothers in urban slums in Nairobi as well as upgrade equipment in existing health facilities. Ultimately, the Center aims to validate the public –private partnership model as a viable mechanism to improve healthcare access for mothers and infants that can be scaled up on a national and regional scale.
APHRC Executive Director Dr. Alex Ezeh with county medical services director Dr. Sam Ochola and Mbagathi medical superintendent Dr. Suleh.
One of the neo-natal machines donated by Comic Relief to Mbagathi Hospital.