Global aging and long term care network (galnet)
Project Period
January 2017 - November 2018
Project Partners
- SIDOM Foundation, Buenos Aires
- University of East Anglia
- Tata Institute for Social Sciences
- School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University
The Global Aging and Long-term Care Network (GALNet) brings together academics, policymakers and practitioners from different countries to constitute a dynamic and internationally leading network on aging and long-term care around the world. The network seeks to foster the exchange of information and expertise, the building of complementary knowledge and insights, the strengthening of capacity, the building of partnerships and the forging of an innovative research agenda to support policy and practice on integrated long-term care provision that is centered on the needs of older people.
Through a series of workshops, the network has, thus far, facilitated: the sharing of insights into the factors underpinning the need for, and present realities of, long-term care and how this might vary across different groups; discussion on alternative models for long-term care from different sources, and; the balance between informal (unpaid) care provided by family and organized care provided by the state, NGOs and the private sector.