Patrick Opiyo Owili
Patrick is Program Manager in the Research and Related Capacity Strengthening Program where he leads several projects including the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-Funded Program on the Multimorbidity in Africa: Digital Innovation, Visualisation and Application (MADIVA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-Funded Program on Data Ecosystems for Development in Education (DECODE), the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Program on Capacity Development of Applied Epidemiologists (CDAE), the UN Women-UNFPA Joint Funded Program on Capacity Development Strategy to Enhance Capacities of National Institutions to Collect Violence Against Women (Spotlight Initiative), and APHRC’s Training Programs. Other new projects Patrick supports include the IDRC-Funded Program on Addressing Neglected Areas of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa (ANSRHRA) and the Wellcome-Funded Program on Strengthening APHRC’s Infrastructure for Public Engagement.
Patrick earned two PhD degrees from the School of Medicine at National Yang-Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan—PhD in Public Health (Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Health Policy) and PhD in Environmental Science and Technology (Environmental, Climate Change and Health Sciences). He also earned two master’s degrees—Master of Science in International Public Health (Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, United Kingdom) and Master of Business Administration (Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan). He is also an Implementation Research Scientist earned from the University of Washington, USA.
Prior to joining APHRC, Patrick served as a Senior Lecturer and a Graduate Program Coordinator for the Master of Science in Global Health and Master of Public Health programs at the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton in Kenya. He has also served as an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Diaconia University of Applied Sciences and Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland), Adventist University of Africa, and Kabarak University in Kenya. He has supervised and mentored over 50 graduate and undergraduate students. Further, he is a registered and licensed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Audit Lead Expert with the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). He is also the Vice-President of the Adventist Human-Subject Researchers Association-Africa (AHSRA-Africa).