TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR POLICY DESK REVIEW ON SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND INCLUSION OF SEXUAL AND GENDER MINORITIES IN KENYA Posted on 23/11/2021 (09/02/2022) by lillian osano CAREERS GET INVOLVED // CAREERS TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR POLICY DESK REVIEW ON SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND INCLUSION OF SEXUAL AND GENDER MINORITIES IN KENYA Deadline: November 30, 2021 Closed Job Introduction: The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is a leading Africa-based, African-led, international research institution headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, and engaged in multidisciplinary, evidence-based policy research. Our researchers address important issues and challenges facing Africa in areas such as education, health, population, aging, urbanization and well-being. We engage with policy makers in the region to disseminate our research findings to influence policy decisions and improve the quality of life in Africa. The APHRC has a consultancy opportunity for a ‘desk-review policy analyses within the Challenging Politics of Social Exclusion (CPSE) project under the Population, Dynamics Sexual and Reproductive Health (PDRH) unit. CPSE is a 5-year project implemented in seven sub-Saharan countries focusing on Adolescents Sexual Reductive Health and Rights (ASRHR), unsafe abortion among women, and Sexual and Gender Minorities (SGM). The project intends to support the change of policies on the three issues through the generation of evidence for policy. One of the activities is to review existing policies to complement empirical data. This particular assignment focuses on the policy and legal landscape on social exclusion of SGM in Kenya, including existing processes, best practices (good policy content), lessons, and mapping of stakeholders –collaborators and opposition, their interests, and roles. Scope of the Assignment: The consultant is required to; Identify and map policies, law formal and informal policies, context, and processes around social inclusion and exclusion of SGM in Kenya; Identify and map critical formal and informal actors or agents, power to influence, and their relationships; The review will examine the explicit and implicit assumptions about the influence and interests of stakeholders. In addition, the way that power is exerted in a specific institutional and individual context, that underlies policy orientation implementation, as well as attitudes and behaviors. Specific Objectives of the Assignment: Undertake analysis of policies and related laws including actors, processes, interests, funding, and influencers; To undertake stakeholders (collaborators, opposition, other supporters), mapping both formal and informal, and their roles, values, and interests; Undertake analysis of key influencers including power brokers, and power analysis including power brokers; perceived or real power of these actors and agents; Establish the current roles of LGBT individuals and organizations in decisions and actions related to social exclusion and inclusion; To identify obstacles that prevent active and influential advocacy and use of evidence for transparent, accountable, and inclusive access to various services such as health, education, security, welfare, employment /economic opportunities; To identify critical enablers that promote and influence advocacy and use of evidence for transparent, accountable, and inclusive access to access to various services such as health, education, security, welfare, employment /economic opportunities; To provide recommendations on approaches/strategies collaborators can use to ensure transformative policy advocacy agendas addressing social inclusion of the SGM. Provide recommendations to support advocacy on review of policies and laws. Methodology: APHRC expects an in-depth, critical analysis and wider consultation with various stakeholders, including civil society, partners, INGOs, UN agencies, and governments at the country level. The Political economy analysis (PEA) must deliver informed insights and reflections with practical recommendations. A thorough literature review that utilizes up-to-date data and information from credible sources, including organizations’ Websites, and other grey literature; Consultation with key CPSE PEA LGBT researchers. Deliverables: A study work plan and accompanying budget. Data collection through desk review, and analysis. A report not to exceed 15 pages including annexes, references, and a summary of the findings not to exceed three pages. Participate in the dissemination of findings. Stakeholder mapping and analysis. Policy brief and country fact sheet not to exceed two pages. All the required documents and reports in their draft and final versions shall be submitted to APHRC within agreed timelines and shall remain the organization’s property. Expected roles of APHRC: Provide relevant information relevant to CPSE; Guide the review, as may be possible; Contribute report writing; Respond to ad hoc requests. Consultancy Period: The period of this consultancy will be approximately ten (10) working days. Management: The Final Report is subject to review and authorization by APHRC’s CPSE project manager. Qualifications: An advanced degree in Law, Political Science, or Public Policy. Relevant work experience, with a minimum of 5 years experience of policy desk review or similar studies and analyses. Understanding the role of various interest parties (stakeholders), both formal and informal- formal in social inclusion or exclusion of the sexual and gender minorities, including human interaction and political and economic competition. Experience translating results to inform user-friendly knowledge products such as policy papers, and actionable recommendations. Proven experience working with sexual and gender minorities in sub-Saharan Africa. Familiarity with sexual and gender minority political and legal field in Kenya. Fluency in English. Excellent writing and communication skills. Demonstrates sensitivity around sexual and gender diversity. If you meet the criteria above and are interested in this opportunity, please email consultancies@aphrc.org and copy procurement@aphrc.org with the subject: Policy Desk Review – PEA. Attach a cover letter of no more than one page, CVs of consultant/s, proposed for this assignment and an indicative budget. The application deadline is November 30, 2021. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Applications should be addressed to: The Human Resources Officer African Population and Health Research Center, Inc APHRC Campus, Manga Close, off Kirawa Road, Kitisuru P.O. Box 10787-GPO, Nairobi Website: www.aphrc.org APHRC is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the protection of vulnerable persons.