Delaying Sexual Debut as a Strategy for Reducing HIV Epidemic in Kenya

October 16, 2013

Authors: Onsomu, E.O., Kimani, J.K., Abuya, B.A., Arif, A.A., Moore, D., Duren-Winfield, V., & Harwell, G.


The study purpose was to determine the association between sexual debut and HIV sero-status, and factors contributing to a positive HIV sero-status.  Retrospective cross-sectional data from the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey-2003 were used.  Data on women aged 15-49 (n=3,273) and men aged 15-54 (n=2,917) accepting HIV testing were retained from three datasets.  Stata version 10.1 was used for analyses, p.  (Afr J Reprod Health 2013; 17[2]: 46-57). To read the article click here.