The report of the 3-D Commission: Data, social determinants, and better decision-making for health Posted on 21/09/2021 (21/09/2021) by Moreen Nkonge PUBLICATIONS RESOURCES // PUBLICATIONS The report of the 3-D Commission: Data, social determinants, and better decision-making for health September 2021 Technical Reports In April 2020, The Rockefeller Foundation and Boston University School of Public Health launched the Commission on Health Determinants, Data, and Decision-Making (3-D Commission) with the aim of creating a common language among health determinants, data science, and decision-making—both health and non-health related—toward the end of improving the health of populations. This report—an output of more than a year of discussion and research among a multisectoral group of distinguished experts representing academia, the private sector, civil society, and government—explores the key social and economic drivers that influence health outcomes and illustrates how data on social determinants of health (SDoH) can be integrated into decision-making processes. The report also offers a set of principles and recommendations designed to support the development of an SDoH-based, data-driven approach to decision-making and foster demand for public and private investment in SDoH. Download CONTRIBUTORS Theme Leader, Population Dynamics and Urbanization In Africa Blessing Mberu Blessing is a Senior Research Scientist and Head of Urbanization… View Profile