Harnessing urbanisation for risk reduction in sub-Saharan Africa Posted on 12/03/2020 by guest244@aphrc.org PUBLICATIONS RESOURCES // PUBLICATIONS Harnessing urbanisation for risk reduction in sub-Saharan Africa Health and Wellbeing March 2020 Short Report Sub-Saharan Africa’s rapid urbanisation presents opportunities to plan and manage for more resilient and sustainable towns and cities. Although, urban decision makers and risk managers are rising to the challenge, they need better information on urban risks and more action at the local level. Notably, public health and disaster risk preparedness and wider management need to come together to tackle the spectrum of risks. This book draws on the experience and analysis of risk planners, urban managers and community actors in cities across sub-Saharan Africa. All were partners in the Urban Africa Risk Knowledge (Urban ARK) programme, see www.urbanark.org for more detail and supporting documents on each chapter. The aim is to provide insight and experience in breaking cycles of urban risk accumulation by linking science and policy to produce knowledge and action in an approach we call ‘co-production’. Risk reduction innovations are developed to contribute to the knowledge of how to make sub-Saharan African cities and towns more resilient and sustainable. Download CONTRIBUTORS