Voices for Action V4A

Project Period

April 2016 - December 2017

Voices for Action is a community engagement on vulnerability and solutions to food and nutrition insecurity among women and children in the Maasai Community, Kajiado, Kenya.

Project aim and objectives

This public engagement aims to:

a) gain a deeper understanding of the vulnerability to food and nutrition insecurity among women and children in the community; and

b) to identify ways of improving the situation.

Women and other community members will be engaged through participatory public engagement approaches such as community dialogues, along with in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, photovoice and participatory video. Additional engagement will be with the County government and community-based organizations to draw a potential action plan to tackle the problem.

This study will lead to a greater understanding of the vulnerability to food and nutrition insecurity among women and children in the community. The learning from the project is expected to inform policy and practice in the Kajiado County and other similar settings; i.e. arid and semi-arid settings in Kenya and other sub-Saharan African settings.

Project Funders

  • Project Funder



Senior Research Scientist; Head - Health and Wellbeing Theme | Lead - Nutrition and Food Systems

Elizabeth Kimani-Murage

Elizabeth, a Public Health Nutrition Specialist and a Senior Research…

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