Kenya Baby-Friendly Workplace Intervention, Evaluation, and Implementation Research

Project Period

March 2016 - September 2018

Project Partners

  • Government of Kenya
  • Loughborough University
  • McGill University

Interventions that promote breastfeeding are critical for optimal growth, development and survival of children, the wellbeing and productivity of their mothers and families. Work environments can either support or inhibit successful breastfeeding.

Evidence on effective strategies to improve breastfeeding for women working in agriculture, the sector which employs the most women not only in Kenya, but all of Africa, is scant.

APHRC seeks to better understand the influence of workplaces and devise ways of improving workplace support for breastfeeding and child care and its impact on the wellbeing of employees, their economic productivity, and the optimal growth and development of their children. In partnership with the Ministry of Health, Kenya Private Sector Alliance, a commercial agricultural farm, and UNICEF, APHRC is assessing a model of workplace support for breastfeeding.

The Kenya Baby-Friendly Workplace Intervention, Evaluation, and Implementation Research study aims to inform the design and implementation of a potentially scalable model of workplace support for breastfeeding in an agricultural setting in Kenya, investigate the model’s potential operational feasibility and effectiveness, and determine its cost benefit analysis.

Project Funders

  • Project Funder
  • Project Funder



Senior Research Scientist; Head - Health and Wellbeing Theme | Lead - Nutrition and Food Systems

Elizabeth Kimani-Murage

Elizabeth, a Public Health Nutrition Specialist and a Senior Research…

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