Impact of social pensions on multiple dimensions of poverty, subjective wellbeing, and solidarity across generations: the cash transfer project
Project Period
October 2017 - October 2018
Project Partners
- University of Southampton
- Prof. Maria Evandrou, University of Southampton (Co-principal investigator)
- Dr. Gloria Lang’at, University of Southampton (Co-principal investigator)
- Dr. Nele Van der Wielen, University of Southampton (Co-principal investigator)
The Cash Transfer Project commenced in January 2017. The mixed method project, conducted in two slums in Nairobi, Kenya, seeks to address gaps in knowledge about the lived experience and implications of the Kenya Older Persons Cash Transfer Programme (OPCTP) in terms of the nature of, and factors shaping: (i) its use and allocation by beneficiaries and (ii) its impacts on multiple dimensions of poverty and wellbeing, as well as intergenerational relations among OPCTP beneficiaries and their kin.
Study findings are, therefore, expected to contribute to the building of an evidence base on the role of social pensions as a vehicle for alleviating poverty across generations, genders and multiple dimensions of deprivation ¾ to inform future policies on, and approaches to, the scaling up of the OPCTP and similar programmes in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).