Sylvia Kiwuwa Muyingo

Sylvia Kiwuwa Muyingo

Research Scientist

ABOUT Sylvia Kiwuwa Muyingo

Sylvia holds a PhD in Biometry from the University of Tampere in Finland, a Masters in Medical Statistics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK as a Tropical Epidemiology Fellow, and a BSc in (Economics) Statistics from Makerere University, Uganda.

Prior to joining she worked as a Statistician at the Medical Research Council/London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in Uganda involved in design and analysis of Clinical trials and observational studies of HIV treatment and care. From 2008-2012, She worked as a Researcher in the  Biometry Group  at the University of Tampere, Finland, funded by Academy of Finland and led the development of innovative methods for analyzing medication adherence with application to resource limited settings.

Her work includes the design and application of statistical and data science tools to clinical and epidemiological studies in Africa to improve lives in communities we live in, promoting equitable and responsible data access, use as well as evidence decision making. In the last 3 years her research work has focused on the application of novel statistics and data science tools to understand health disparities and outcomes in research, knowledge translation and developing population health metrics in the WHO AFRO region and the AI4D Global South projects.


Applying Statistics everyday gives her the opportunity to explore, discover and learn something new! Her passions lies in finding solutions that impact real public health problems related to health disparities, distribution of disease and outcomes particularly in Women’s wellbeing using hierarchical and dependent data models, Clustering, Time-to-event models, and Causal inference in the viral epidemiology of HIV, COVID-19 and associations with social comorbidities like Mental Health and Gender based violence.

In 2018, she was selected as a fellow of the AREF Excell Researcher and Leadership Development programme  in this way promoting collaborative opportunities through the partnerships. She was also the first fellow awarded a TEG fellowship in Medical Statistics at the London school of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.


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