Michael Ochola
Michael is a Data Scientist within Data Science and Evaluation(DSE). He supports the Implementation Network for Sharing Population Information from Research Entities (INSPIRE) under platform for Evaluation and Analysis of covid-19 Harmonised data (PEACH) project. He is building a data science platform to host and analyze various health datasets. He works with other data scientists to develop ETLs to support harmonization of data using internationally recognised standards such as Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM).
He holds a Bsc Mathematics and Computer science from Jomo Kenyatta University and Msc statistics from University of Nairobi. He previously worked at the University of Nairobi Research Institute as a Software Developer for the Demographic surveillance system(DSS), and at Hivisasa as Data Scientist. During this time his main tasks involved developing a user profiling and churn modeling applications.
He is passionate about data analytics, machine learning and cloud technologies and their integration in health research. Michael is a certified AWS Solutions Architect Associate (SAA) with hands-on experience on architecting and implementing cloud solutions.