Caroline Kabaria

Caroline Kabaria

Associate Research Scientist

ABOUT Caroline Kabaria

Caroline is a Post-Doctoral Research Scientist with expertise in Geoinformatics (GIS), Remote Sensing, Spatial Modelling and will be working with other researchers at the Center to develop methodological frameworks to integrate spatial evaluation in estimating the impacts of interventions, policy regulations and social trends with a spatial dimension.

Caroline holds a PhD (2016) specializing in Spatial Epidemiology from the Open University, UK. Her research focused on mapping and understanding changing malaria transmission patterns within urban settings in Africa. Prior to joining APHRC, Caroline was a Post-Doctoral researcher at KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme evaluating within spatial frameworks, the factors that influence disease transmission, the application of population and urbanization mapping for disease burden estimation as well as evaluating the impact of control interventions on transmission.

Caroline is driven by the desire to be at the front line of integrating technological innovation to inform evidence-based implementation of interventions to improve the health and wellbeing of populations in Africa.

Caroline is passionate about mentoring young students, particularly girls to take up science. In 2016, Caroline was appointed a Visiting Lecturer at the Geomatic Engineering & Geospatial Information Systems (GEGIS) department at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) where she mentored both undergraduate and graduate students.

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