Comprehensive school-based sexuality education (CSE) has for long been recommended as an important tool for providing accurate information and skills and for supporting young people to achieve positive reproductive health outcomes. International debate and thinking on the issue have evolved rapidly over the past decade, as epitomized in the release, this year, of revised UN global guidance on CSE. The new global frame implies consequences for existing CSE policy and practice in individual SSA countries. Conversely, insights on-the-ground experiences of CSE programming in SSA contexts can further illuminate both regional and global debates on the issue.
This side event will bring together researchers, program staff, donors, and advocates to (i) share findings from a set of in-depth case studies on challenges, opportunities, and factors shaping CSE design and implementation fidelity, and (ii) with reference to the global guidance, discuss their implications for local practice, advocacy and research and international debates. A set of incisive presentations will (i) offer a brief overview of regional and sub-regional data on the context and need for CSE (ii) distill key elements of the new global CSE frame and evidence base, and (iii) distill key findings – relating to the design, and the extent and drivers of implementation fidelity of present CSE programming in select countries.
A subsequent moderated panel discussion will reflect on the perspectives presented; pinpoint implications for action, advocacy and further research to enhance CSE practice in SSA; and highlight emerging issues or angles to be considered in scientific and policy debates on CSE in Africa and globally.
Dr. Estelle Sidze and Dr. Jacques Emina will make presentations on Assessing implementation of sexuality education policies and curricula in Kenya and Comprehensive Sexuality Education in DR Congo respectively.The discourse will be led by:
- Patricia Machawira (UNESCO)
- Maria Bakaroudis (UNFPA)
- Senait Tibebu (Packard Foundation)
Moderated by Dr. Martin Bangha (Associate Research Scientist, APHRC)
Session agenda:
1800 hrs Opening Remarks (10 minutes) – Dr. Martin Bangha,
1810- 1830 hrs Presentation (15 minutes) – Dr. Estelle Sidze
1830-1900 hrs Presentation (15 minutes) – Dr. Jacques Emina
1900-1920 hrs Interactive Questions & Discussion with the audience (20 minutes)
1920-2020 hrs Panel discussion with Q&A session (each panelist to get 10 min for initial remarks)
1920hrs Close of the session– Dr. Bangha