Call for Expression of Interest: Measurement and Impact Evaluation Capacity Building Program


October 15, 2019

The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is committed to generating an Africa-led, African-owned body of evidence to inform decision-making for an effective and sustainable response to the most critical challenges impeding economic and social development on the continent. One of our goals is to “become a leading independent research institution, with signature areas of interest, providing open access to quantitative and qualitative data for setting targets and tracking progress toward national and global development goals”.


The Measurement and Impact Evaluation ( M&IE)  Project’s primary goal is to strengthen APHRC’s mission of transforming lives in Africa through research by (i) Strengthening the Center’s analytical capacity and evidence used for evidence-informed decision-making (ii) Strengthen the Center’s capacity to conduct robust impact evaluations of complex programs based on modern practices across several thematic areas, and (iii) Strengthen pathways to policy impact through focused and sustained engagement with policy actors aligned to APHRC’s signature issues.

The M&IE project will strengthen APHRC’s position in policy-relevant evaluations that are driven by measurement methodologies spanning impact evaluations, performance and monitoring systems, economic evaluations (cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis), and development of theories of change through the building of strategic relationships with key policy actors at national and sub-national levels.

The M&IE project will also strengthen APHRC’s expertise and intellectual leadership in measurement and impact evaluations to be a continental leader for evidence-informed policy-making processes, which underscores our principle of being impact-driven and a strong regional player in measurement and impact evaluation and emerging M&IE methodologies, scenario building and theory of change conceptualization.

Over the lifetime of the M&IE project, APHRC staff will benefit from in-house training on Measurement and Impact Evaluation; generate analytical datasets from APHRC or other related studies; provide continued mentorship and training to regional scholars; and develop peer-reviewed journal articles based on M&IE methodologies.


  1. Expand APHRC’s internal M&IE human resource capacity.
  2. Capacity strengthening in Measurement, and Impact Evaluations.
  3. Scenario building for public policy decision making and adaptive learning.
  4. Enhanced collaboration with M&IE professionals from the North.
  5. Enhanced mentorship and training to regional scholars in M&IE.
  6. Outreach, Policy Engagement and Publicity of M&IE.


  1. 5 five-day sequential in-house training sessions on classical M&IE and emerging M&IE approaches.
  2. 2 five-day sequential in-house training sessions on scenario building (policy options) for public policy.
  3. 3 five-day sequential in-house training sessions on the theory of change (ToC) and real-time rapid response to policy windows.
  4. 3 analytical data sets generated for use by ‘trainees’ during scenario building.
  5. 5 blogs on M&IE published through academic blogs for major platforms such as The Conversation Africa.
  6. 5 M&IE papers and 5 technical policy briefs developed.

APHRC invites  expressions of interest from 15 internal APHRC staff with skills in statistics, data analysis, monitoring & evaluation, performance evaluation with 3-6+ years of relevant work experience in similar/related areas, to benefit from this capacity strengthening project. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about developing their career in M&IE, and who are willing and ready to participate in all project activities listed above. 


For all trainees:

  1. Participate in one (1) M&IE competitive proposal development for fundraising.
  2. Develop at least one (1) journal articles as co-author based on M&IE methodologies to target peer-reviewed journals including special issues on M&IE across APHRC’s signature issues.
  3. Support the development of at least one (1) blog on M&IE through academic blogs for major platforms such as The Conversation Africa.
  4. Participate in at least one (1) M&IE conference.

In addition to the above 4 deliverables, selected senior trainees will be expected to:

  1. Mentor at least 5 junior African university faculty who will be selected to benefit from short M&IE policy fellowships at APHRC.
  2. Mentor at least 5 fellows at PhD and post-doctoral fellows, specifically through the Center’s regional capacity strengthening initiatives such as Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA), who will be selected to receive M&IE long-term mentorship over one academic year.

APHRC staff who fit the following criteria are strongly encouraged to apply:

  1. Master’s degree in Measurement and Evaluation; Health EconomicsStatistics; Education; Epidemiology and Monitoring and Evaluation or related fields.
  2. Proficiency in STATA, R, SPSS, and strong quantitative and qualitative research skills.
  3. Familiarity with statistics and data analysis.
  4. Superior analytical, quantitative and conceptual thinking skills.
  5. Strong data and analytical skills.


  1. Provide a letter of recommendation from your head of the unit or direct supervisor in APHRC.
  2. Willingness and commitment to attend all the compulsory M&IE training topics/sessions (10 sessions each of 5 days).
  3. Provide long-term mentorship and training over one academic year to regional scholars.


The M&IE Project duration is from Oct. 2019– Sept. 2022.


Interested staff are requested to send their statement of purpose (cover letter) and CV to Nancy Kang’ethe on and copy Damazo Kadengye on with the subject “Application for the APHRC’s  M&IE capacity building program ” by close of business November 22, 2019. Applications will be screened based on the information provided, profile and motivation to provide a significant contribution to the M&IE Project.