Policy on Working with Persons at Risk Posted on 19/10/2021 (03/06/2022) by joshua DOCUMENTS RESOURCES // DOCUMENTS Organizational Policy Policy on Working with Persons at Risk Policy The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) recognizes that there are instances when its representatives will interact with children, adolescents and adults at risk (all herein referred to as persons at risk) in the conduct of research and other activities pertinent to its work and mission. APHRC embraces values of integrity, fairness and excellence and works to improve health and wellbeing in Africa. We strive to uphold our values not just in what we do in the workplace but in the way we relate with partners, communities and other stakeholders outside the work environment. APHRC reiterates its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of persons at risk by protecting them from any harm or abuse. APHRC’s commitment to the protection of children is premised on international standards established by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Laws in the countries where it conducts its work. This policy specifies what constitutes child abuse, principles governing behavior, APHRC’s commitment to safeguarding persons at risk, implementation of the policy and procedures for reporting cases of abuse of persons at risk. Download