TOR: DHIS2 M&E PLATFORM CONSULTANCY Posted on 12/11/2019 (12/11/2019) by joshua CAREERS GET INVOLVED // CAREERS TOR: DHIS2 M&E PLATFORM CONSULTANCY Deadline: December 15, 2019 Open Job The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is a leading Africa-based, African-led, international research institution headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, with a regional office in Dakar, Senegal. Our researchers are contributing to the body of evidence about the critical issues in population health and wellbeing impeding Africa’s development in order to provide strong direction and recommendations to policy- and decision-makers at all levels. Our priority research areas are Population Dynamics and Sexual Reproductive Health (PDRH); Health and Systems for Health (HSH); Urbanization and Wellbeing in Africa (UWB-A); Maternal and Child Wellbeing (MCW); Aging and Development (AAD) and; Education and Youth Empowerment (EYE). In addition to our Research Division, APHRC has two other divisions/programmatic areas namely Policy Engagement and Communications (PEC), and Research Capacity Strengthening (RCS). BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES APHRC is seeking firms/ individual consultants to develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Platform for the Center (including the regional office), to use across its divisions and research units. The M&E platform will be able to add projects, monitor project implementation, track progress and data collection, share trends, provide an interactive Dashboard, GIS and data management and generate reports that contribute to transparency and accountability. The main objective of the consultancy is to establish an online M&E Platform by customizing the DHIS2 software to align it to APHRC processes and procedures and additionally build the capacity of relevant staff to enable them to maintain the DHIS2 M&E platform. SCOPE OF WORK The firms/ individual consultants will work to carry out the following task: Customize the open-source DHIS2 M&E platform and align it to APHRC’s processes and procedures. Explore the possibility of integrating the DHIS2 platform with Microsoft Navision 2017 ERP and REDCap Software; so as to pull relevant project-related data into the DHIS2 for analysis and producing necessary reports. Configure the hierarchy of APHRC by its divisions, units, regional office, and level of intervention. Code the data elements and indicators for interoperability purpose, and translations; DHIS2’s ability to integrate with ERP software Setup DHIS2 instance- live and test instances – configure security controls on the server, secure domain, and backup utilities, server monitoring tools on the server; Customize all the APHRC data collection tools into the DHIS2 database; Design data entry forms and customize the database with the country determined data elements, indicators, organization units, user roles; Develop Dashboards with frequently used favorites and standard reports based on the user-determined information products; Configure the GIS module to visualize the progress of activities and trends of different project interventions across units on GIS maps. Develop a data import module in DHIS 2 for the existing Excel database; Set quality assurance parameters (e.g., approval and acceptance of data) and data validation rules; Develop an automated program for reports and dashboards, with the possibility of linking to the data reporting tool in Excel; Determine and develop various types of reporting content, formats, and frequency based on indicator plan and donor requirements. Configure the data visualizer for the database to generate the required reports. Configure mobile (light and smartphone) data entry modules to ensure data entry via mobile devices. Configure SMS reminders as required. Configure the user rights module which can later be used to assign the access of database to the users as per their role in the organization. Configure the data administration module to ensure the proper administration of the database. Develop training materials for the core team and also train the core team on customization, system management, and administration; OTHER REQUIREMENT FOR CONSULTANT Testing and Security: Vulnerability testing of all software code must be performed before going live. A comprehensive back-up system must be included in the end product, such that data resources are secure and replicated at regular intervals. Hosting Options: Explore and present feasible and reliable hosting options. Support APHRC to host the database on one of the selected hosting solutions. Staff Training and Capacity Building: Train and mentor key staff to properly develop, use, update and make changes to the database system. Create User Manual. Source Code/Design: Complete source code, design of the final application and database will be the property of APHRC. The consultant will hand over all required materials to APHRC. Ownership and intellectual property: APHRC shall acquire the ownership of all assignment deliverables in their tangible form (both hard and soft copies, including the customized source code) and the right to use them as required. The deliverables in any circumstances should not be published or used by the consultant without the permission of APHRC. Confidentiality: Due to the sensitivity of programming, the Consultant must sign a confidentiality agreement. REQUIRED SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE Education: Advanced degree (Masters level) in a relevant field (computer science, data/information/health management, econometrics, advanced statistical analysis, information technology, and software engineering). Experience: Demonstrable skills in working with one or more programming languages including Java Runtime Environment (JRE 7 or higher) Tomcat server, Java, and PostgreSQL 4, web – Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, Databases – MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle. Demonstrable skills in Programming and scripting – PHP, Java, Perl, JavaScript, Development experience utilizing web-based applications such as J2EE, JDK, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, and HTML. Five years’ expertise in information system management especially on web-based software platforms and database administration; Five years’ experience in DHIS 2 configuration for health information systems; Previous work experience supporting countries in DHIS2 rollout in sub-Saharan countries including experience in training DHIS administrators and health information uses; Excellent skills and experience in training facilitation, mentoring and capacity development; Demonstrate oral and written communication skills, including presentations. DELIVERABLES APHRC expects the consultant shall complete and submit the following deliverables: A comprehensive strategy along with the work plan at the start of the consultancy indicating the major milestones for the completion of the assignment. Report of the requirement specifications including the list of organizational units, data elements, data element groups, data element categories, data sets, data entry forms, reporting formats, and other modules as required. Completed structure of database containing the organization structure, data elements, data element groups, data element categories, data sets, indicators, data entry forms, data visualization, and any other data points as required. Configured data administration, data quality and uses modules Data entry set up for online and offline modules and as well as for mobile data collection plans and technological approaches. Reporting modules DHIS2 database testing and deployment plan, including hosting options both on APHRC servers or other hosting options. Initial maintenance plan after final deployment. Training plan for staff users. Final presentation/workshop for relevant staff. Completed User Manual for the database system. Technical proposal We seek an individual consultant or a firm with a practical DHIS2 implementation experience. APHRC expects not more than 15 pages of a technical proposal that must include the following points: A description of your experience customizing and deploying the DHIS2 platform; A description of your proposed method for completing the project, to include planning sessions, the outline of the key steps and the sequence of the work, etc.; A clear and detailed timeframe to complete the tasks, with an indication of timelines against individual deliverables; A detailed description of possible integration with the Microsoft Navision 2017 ERP to allow DHIS2 fetch project-related data for analysis and producing necessary reports. A complete list of references of clients with demo links to previous work that the consultant has worked with on a similar assignment. DURATION: The duration of the assignment is from January 2020, to March 2020. A phased approach will be employed based on the finally agreed-upon schedule of deliverables. HOW TO APPLY Interested candidates should send the technical proposal to with the subject “APHRC DHIS2 M&E Platform” by December, 15 2019. APHRC will evaluate the responses to this Request for Proposal based on the consultants’ ability to provide a general overview of the services your organization provided in the past, including number of years in the business, number of relevant professional consultants or CVs, and experience of working with clients on a similar assignment including follow-up support, preferably in DHIS2.