TOR: CONSULTANCY FOR PROBLEM DRIVEN POLITICAL ECONOMY ANALYSIS (PEA) IN MALAWI Posted on 09/03/2020 (10/03/2020) by joshua CAREERS GET INVOLVED // CAREERS TOR: CONSULTANCY FOR PROBLEM DRIVEN POLITICAL ECONOMY ANALYSIS (PEA) IN MALAWI Deadline: March 23, 2020 Open Job Introduction About African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is a leading Africa-based, African-led, international research institution headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, and engaged in multidisciplinary, evidence-based policy research. Our work address important issues and challenges facing Africa in areas such as education, health, population, aging, urbanization, and well-being. We engage with policy-makers in the region to disseminate our research findings to influence policy decisions and improve the quality of life in Africa About Challenging the Politics of Social Exclusion (CPSE) project APHRC is implementing an innovative four-year project on “Challenging the Politics of Social Exclusion (CPSE)”, in which the Center acts as a key knowledge partner to the constellation of policy actors engaged in advancing the realization of regional commitments, made by the African States, to enhance the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of their populations. To this end, CPSE will (i) support the generation, synthesis and translation of relevant evidence at regional and sub-regional levels in Eastern, Southern and Western Africa as well as in seven focal countries (Burkina Faso, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Zambia); and (ii) help strengthen core capacities of key (sub-) regional partners to effectively marshal and use evidence in policy processes and engagements. Problem Driven Political Economy Analysis in Malawi Background Malawi has a huge burden in terms of poor adolescent sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes, including high teenage pregnancy and child marriage. The adverse effects of teenage pregnancy on the health and wellbeing of adolescent girls are well documented. Notably, the Government of Malawi has made commitments such as the 2013 Eastern and Southern Africa Ministerial Commitment towards the provision of CSE, as one of the key interventions to address challenges to accessing SRHR services. However, despite these commitments and supporting policy and legal frameworks, the delivery of CSE continues to face implementation challenges. Understanding CSE implementation bottlenecks through a political economy analysis will be crucial in understanding the role of sociocultural beliefs, the politics behind the implementation of CSE, cost of implementing versus not implementing CSE in relation to reducing teenage pregnancies. Moreover, an in-depth understanding of the issues affecting CSE implementation provides an opportunity to addressing other ASRHR matters such as access to contraceptives, prevention and treatment of STIs, and referral systems in relation to school-based health systems, among others. We aim to undertake a political economy analysis on drivers of teenage pregnancy and barriers to implementing proven solutions such as comprehensive sexuality education. Scope of Assignment With accompaniment, guidance and supervision by APHRC, we are seeking the services of a professional and highly experienced Problem Driven Political Economy Analysis (PEA) consultant to support the implementation of this undertaking in Malawi. The aim of PEA is to enable a better understanding of the power relations, dynamics, structures and processes that have a bearing on adolescents’ access to sexual and reproductive health services and the related health outcomes. The consultant will identify the critical actors or agents, structures, and institutions that facilitate or block adolescent SRHR in Malawi. The consultant will unpack the visible, invisible or hidden relationships between these actors and institutions that exercise significant control over the decision-making process, attitudes, perceptions and practices. Emphasis will be placed on context, power, institutions, actors, relationships and processes as part of the PEA analysis. The review will test the explicit and implicit assumptions about the influence and interests of stakeholders and the way in which power is exerted in a specific institutional and individual context that underlies policy orientation and implementation as well as attitudes and behaviors. Specific Objectives of the political economy analysis To identify the key power relations, dynamics and trends in governance systems, structures and processes related to SRHR in Malawi. This should include overt and covert power brokers, values and norms for decision making, as well as enabling institutions both formal and informal for SRHR. To undertake a stakeholder mapping and power analysis for SRHR with a view to identifying overt and covert power brokers, structures and systems that enable these power brokers, incentives and rewards for the power brokers and the formal and informal institutions enabling perpetuation of the perceived or real power of these power brokers. To identify and highlight the current roles of women, youth, men, key populations and other groups in decisions and actions related to adolescent SRHR in Malawi. To identify key obstacles that prevent active and influential advocacy and use of evidence for transparent, accountable and inclusive access to adolescent SRHR services in Malawi. To provide recommendations on both immediate and long term approaches/strategies that APHRC and other stakeholders – governments, communities, media, researchers, investors and civil society – can use to ensure transformative agendas addressing community and stakeholder needs. Outputs/ Expected deliverables Co-created protocol with APHRC to be submitted for ethical approval at the national level. The consultant will provide leadership in ensuring protocol is approved on time in-country. Data collection and analysis Effectively convene and facilitate a stakeholder workshop to validate PEA findings A study work plan and accompanying budget Stakeholder mapping and analysis Final Report on the Political Economy Analysis together with original data. APHRC responsibilities: APHRC shall provide relevant information relevant to CPSE’s work APHRC will lead the development of the PEA protocol and data collection tools Provide financial support for joint stakeholder convening’s to contribute to the PEA protocol and later on validate the PEA findings APHRC shall provide guidance and high-level administrative support such as making available relevant documentation and tools Provide financial support for the activities Required skills and experience Education An advanced university degree in international relations, political science, public administration, finance, economics or related field. Experience A minimum of five years of progressive experience in sexual and reproductive health with a focus in Malawi; Extensive political economy analysis experience; Up-to-date in-depth knowledge of the complex political, legal, religious and social context of SRHR in Malawi. Proven experience in conceptualizing and conducting SRHR research Proven experience of working with government authorities as well as civil society organizations’ and academic institutions. Language Requirements: Fluency in English and knowledge of local language is an added advantage Contract duration The period of performance for this Scope of Work is approximately 35 pro-rated working days from April to July 2020. Application procedure Your submission should include the following items. Suitability statement that express commitment to availability for the entire period of the assignment. Cover letter of no more than one page CVs of researcher/s, totaling no more than 5 pages- (where applicable) Contact details of at least two referees; A work plan articulating the frameworks and processes that will be used to implement the activities in this consultancy (a maximum of four pages). An indicative budget of including all expected costs but broken down to demonstrate what each cost covers. If you meet the criteria above and are interested in this exciting opportunity, please email and a copy to with the subject: ASRH-Malawi-RFP Response, CPSE PEA Consultant. Your application should reach us by March 23, 2020. For more information about APHRC visit APHRC is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the protection of children