TERMS OF REFERENCE- CONSULTANCY TO REVIEW APPROACH TO STAFF COMPENSATION Posted on 01/02/2021 by Joseph Kanyugo CAREERS GET INVOLVED // CAREERS TERMS OF REFERENCE- CONSULTANCY TO REVIEW APPROACH TO STAFF COMPENSATION Deadline: February 12, 2021 Open Job The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is a leading Africa-based, African-led, international research institution headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, with a regional office in Dakar, Senegal. The Center’s vision is to transform lives in Africa through research. Its mission is to generate evidence, strengthen research capacity and engage policy to inform action on population health and wellbeing. APHRC has staff from multiple disciplines and from different countries at its two offices that are either internationally recruited or nationally recruited. APHRC is committed to equity in its programmatic work and its internal processes. We thus aim to implement a compensation policy aligned to our core value of equity. APHRC seeks consultancy services to advise on the most rational currency to denominate staff contracts and salary payments and advise on an appropriate methodology to determine the annual general salary adjustments that are a function of inflation. Description of the tasks of the consultant Perform an in-depth assessment of the most appropriate approach to compensation for all APHRC staff, including: The basis for the annual general salary increment; The currency of payment for salaries for internationally and nationally recruited positions in Kenya and Senegal; The pros, cons, advantages, and/or disadvantages of implementing a single currency payment methodology across all staff levels including the impact (if any) on organizational budgets, staff routines and soft issues like staff motivation; and Alignment of any recommended compensation plan to applicable employment, tax and forex law in the two countries where APHRC has offices. Timeframe The entire task will take one month from an expected contractual date of 20th February 2021. During the 1-month period of the Consultancy, APHRC’s expectation is that the Consultant will be fully available. Deliverables Preliminary report including a critical analysis of current practice and recommendations on an appropriate approach to compensation, and annual general salary adjustments; Presentation to management and Finance and Risk Management Committee (FRMC) of the APHRC Board; and Final report incorporating input from senior management and the FRMC of the Board. Expertise and Experience The consultant should have the following expertise: Extensive experience working with international NGOs that work across several countries in Africa and have staff from different countries. Experience in conducting compensation reviews. Ability to carry out reviews beyond Kenya, notably Senegal, where APHRC has its West African Regional Office. Thorough understanding of currency movements and their implications for not-for-profit organizations. Proposal Submission Requirements Interested consultants (individuals/firms/institutions) to submit a proposal with: Cover letter explaining their eligibility for the assignment and interpretation of the tasks; CV or profile of lead consultant/consulting team including a reverse chronological list of similar projects/assignments and contact details (name, email/phone) of supervisors/clients; and Financial proposition with the expected remuneration. The application package should be submitted to consultancies@aphrc.org copying procurement@aphrc.org. The deadline for submission of proposals is February 12, 2021.