ASSOCIATE RESEARCH SCIENTIST- DEMOGRAPHER Posted on 18/08/2022 (01/03/2023) by Joseph Kanyugo CAREERS GET INVOLVED // CAREERS ASSOCIATE RESEARCH SCIENTIST- DEMOGRAPHER Deadline: March 31, 2023 Open Job The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is a leading Africa-based, African-led, international research institution headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. APHRC conducts policy-relevant research on population, health, education, urbanization and related development issues in sub-Saharan Africa. APHRC seeks to recruit an Associate Research Scientist- Demographer to work in the West Africa Regional Office (WARO) based in Dakar, Senegal. Responsibilities Lead the development of a demographic research theme with a focus on the West and Central Africa regions; Provide leadership to demographic research, explore and analyze demographic data within the region, including but not limited to fertility, mortality, urbanization, demographic dividend, population projections, and other human population changes; Lead and contribute to proposal development and fundraising for research projects; Provide analytical advice and support to researchers developing proposals and writing scientific papers; Lead desk reviews, policy analysis and development of protocols and tools; Oversee data management and analyses; Contribute to policy engagement and the unit’s strategic planning; Mentor junior researchers and facilitate in the Center’s training programs as needed; Ensure community mobilization and education of the community in relation to the research; Secure and manage the necessary human, financial and material resources of the project; Represent the Center at high level national, regional and international forums, including relevant technical working groups and expert committees; Actively engage in scientific publications including peer-reviewed articles, briefing papers and blogs and production of donor reports; Contribute to institutional publications including and not limited to lay dissemination materials such as policy/research briefs and fact sheets; and Oversee/lead development of field and training manuals. Qualifications and Experience PhD in Demography, Populations Studies, Public Health, Sociology, Statistics, or equivalent in related disciplines. Have 3-5 years’ of relevant post-doctoral experience. Strong writing skills and good record of publications, which utilize defined analytical methodologies. Experience in developing proposals. Evidence of previous successful grants will be an advantage. Demonstrated experience in managing research projects, including experience in conducting, coordinating and managing surveys. Proven experience in conducting desk and literature reviews Strong quantitative skills (managing, analyzing and interpreting data), with good familiarity with quantitative statistical packages (e.g. STATA, R). Expertise in political economy research or qualitative methods; familiarity with qualitative analysis software packages (e.g. NVivo) will be an advantage. Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills and ability to work in a culturally diverse team. Experience working in Francophone West Africa. Must be bilingual with (fluently communicate and write in English and French). This position is classified under Internationally Recruited Positions (IRP), Grade V in our scales. Interested candidates are invited to submit their application in English and include: A letter of application; A statement of research interests and goals (1-2 pages); and CV via our recruitment portal Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Cover letters should be addressed to: The Human Resources Officer African Population and Health Research Center, Inc Immeuble Diallo Lô, 5e étage Lot 325-327 CICES VDN, Dakar Sénégal Website: APHRC is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the protection of vulnerable persons