Africa’s LGBT communities and the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals to “Leave No One Behind”

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched in late 2015 provide clear guidelines and targets for addressing the root causes of poverty and uniting the world in pursuit of positive change for both people and planet. Strongly grounded in international human rights standards, the SDGs aim for an inclusive world and put economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights and the right to development at the core of social progress. […]

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Evidence to Action for Strengthened FP and RH Services for Women and Girls (E2A)

The Evidence to Action (E2A) project seeks to increase global support for the use of evidence-based best practices (BPs) to improve family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) service access and quality while integrating FP/RH with other health and non-health services, mitigating gender barriers, and enhancing informed decision-making for women and girls. The project will help foster an environment in which women and girls can fulfill their reproductive intentions and aspirations. By strengthening FP/RH service delivery, E2A will reduce unmet need at each stage of the reproductive life cycle—a major contribution to reducing unintended pregnancies. […]

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