Charity Chao Shete

Charity Chao Shete

Communications Officer

ABOUT Charity Chao Shete

Chao is a Communications Officer at APHRC’s Synergy Unit within the Policy Engagement and Communications Program. With a fervent passion for research communication and policy advocacy, she excels in translating complex research findings into compelling narratives that drive policy change and public engagement.

Chao has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from Multimedia University of Kenya. Prior to joining APHRC, she honed her skills at the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA). There, she managed diverse communication strategies, fostering a deeper understanding of social science research across varied audiences. She has also held roles in digital media, giving her experience in developing digital media strategies and leveraging modern technologies for effective communication.

Chao is deeply inspired by the power of stories to connect people, evoke emotions, and inspire action.

Outside work, she enjoys reading and writing fiction and creative non-fiction stories.


FEP-ACT4: Addressing the Commercial Determinants of Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
This project aims to explore how three unhealthy commodity industries…