TERMS OF REFERENCE – POLITICAL ECONOMY ANALYST Posted on 22/04/2022 (15/07/2022) by lillian osano CAREERS GET INVOLVED // CAREERS TERMS OF REFERENCE – POLITICAL ECONOMY ANALYST Deadline: May 6, 2022 Closed Job About APHRC The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is an African-led and Africa based international research institute committed to conducting high quality and policy relevant multidisciplinary research. Our research addresses important development issues and challenges facing sub-Saharan Africa in areas such as education, population, health, aging, urbanization and wellbeing. Our goal is to generate evidence for meaningful action, engage with policy makers in the region to disseminate our research findings, influence policy decisions, and improve the quality of life in Africa About the Gender and Education project APHRC is implementing a research project on gender mainstreaming in basic education in Kenya. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of policy and practices in the nexus between gender and education in Kenya’s primary education. The overall objective of this study is to provide policy-relevant evidence for action on how well gender issues are mainstreamed during curriculum implementation in primary education in Kenya. Specifically, the study examines: i) How the teacher-training curriculum prepares teachers to implement gender-mainstreaming strategies within the basic education sector policies and guidelines. ii) Examine how gender issues are mainstreamed/practiced inside the classroom during the teaching and learning process. iii) Assess how effective pedagogical practices mainstream gender issues related to students’ school attendance, choice of subjects, and academic performance. iv) Explore the extent to which essential school programs and strategies that have been put in place by the government and private sector promote gender equity in primary education. Scope of Assignment Various efforts have been undertaken to achieve gender parity across multiple levels of education in Kenya. Government and non-governmental actors have implemented interventions to respond to the Global call on SDGs 4 and 5. However, the evaluation of the implementation of the gender mainstreaming policy in Kenya has mainly focused on the representation of women in various institutions and less on whether and how the mainstreaming is being implemented in the classroom. Various studies have mentioned implementation hiccups as a critical challenge in most cases. We are seeking the services of a professional and highly experienced Political Economy Analyst (PEA) to support the implementation of this undertaking in Kenya. PEA aims to enable a better understanding of the strategies (policies, practices, guidelines, decrees, and curriculum) that have been put in place by both Government and private sector to mainstream gender issues in the curriculum and how effective such strategies are in promoting gender equity in basic education. The consultant will identify the critical actors or agents, structures, and institutions that influence gender mainstreaming in basic education in Kenya. Specific Responsibilities of the Political Economy Analyst Conduct a stakeholder mapping exercise. Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the current Education and Training Sector Gender Policy 2015. Assess the extent of implementing the current Education and Training Sector Gender Policy 2015 by the government and the private sector. Examine how the strategies of implementing the Education and Training Sector Gender Policy 2015 interact with the political, social, and economic ecosystems within the contexts in which they are implemented. Identify and report policy and other barriers to effective implementation of the Education and Training Sector Gender Policy 2015. Identify the power dynamics and how they influence gender mainstreaming practice across all levels of primary education and teacher training. Analyze the Education and Training Sector Gender Policy 2015 to identify strengths and gaps and recommend improvements to implementation processes. Identify the benefits and gaps of the existing policies on gender mainstreaming in education. Propose suggestions to improve the effects of these policies. Provide evidence-based recommendations on both immediate and long-term approaches/strategies that APHRC and other stakeholders – Governments, communities, media, researchers, funders, and civil society – can use to ensure transformative agendas on gender mainstreaming in education. Methodology APHRC expects an in-depth, evidence-based, critical analysis and broader consultation with various stakeholders, including civil society, partners, INGOs, UN agencies, and governments at the country level. The PEA must deliver informed insights and reflections with practical recommendations. The methodology must be presented and mutually agreed upon before implementation as part of the design. The study will use quantitative and qualitative data collected from primary and secondary sources. The data will be robust, verifiable, and managed using ethical practices. The consultant will propose a method of analysis and subsequent presentation. The report should be logical, strategic, reader-friendly, and simple language. Phase one A thorough literature review that utilizes up-to-date data and information from credible sources. Consultation with key APHRC staff and partners to ensure the analysis is designed to meet required needs. Key informant interviews with diverse actors such as governments / local authorities, local community, civil society, international institutions, etc. Phase two In-depth key informant interviews with diverse actors such as governments/regional authorities, local community, civil society, international institutions, and the like. Presentation of the PEA for a validation workshop and revisions made according to discussions. The written report will be: The report format and text shall be in A4 paper size and a legible Arial 12 font size. The report should not exceed 40 pages, excluding annexes and references to be submitted on an agreed deadline. The summary should not exceed five pages. The policy brief should not exceed three pages. Confidentiality of information: All documents and data collected will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate analysis. Interviewees will not be quoted in the reports without their permission. Content: All the required documents and reports in their draft and final versions shall be submitted to APHRC within agreed timelines and remain the organization’s property. Deliverables Lead and coordinate data collection. Write the phase one and two draft PEAs, present the findings, and make revisions based on feedback from the program lead, partners, APHRC, and stakeholder suggestions. Present the findings during the PEA validation workshop at the national level. Support dissemination of PEA findings and critical messages to segmented target audiences. Finalize the PEA report and an accompanying PowerPoint presentation, and Conduct all the above according to agreed timelines. Expected roles of APHRC Arrange all logistics (transport, accommodation, etc.) for the PEA for phase two. Lead stakeholder mobilization and engagement at the national level Provide relevant information relevant to gender mainstreaming work and thinking. Provide additional contact details for people pertinent to the PEA as may be possible. Contribute to the development of the PEA protocol. Organize the logistics of the validation workshop. Respond to ad hoc requests related to the assignment. Required Qualifications Master’s degree in Development, Social Science, Political Science, or related field. Fluent oral and written skills in English. At least five years’ experience in policy, governance, health, education, gender, or related field. Proven experience conducting PEAs (an example of relevant previous work is mandatory and will be kept confidential if required). Proven experience working with government authorities, civil society organizations, and academic institutions in Kenya. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the political economy analysis approach, clear methodology, and the outputs expected from the assignment. Ability to work autonomously and deliver the PEA in a timely fashion. Consultancy Period The performance period for this Scope of work is approximately 30 pro-rated working days from May to June 2022. Management The final report is subject to review and authorization by APHRC’s gender and education Principal Investigator. Bid Requirements Consultants who meet the requirements of this assignment should submit the following: Suitability statement that expresses commitment to availability for the entire assignment period. Cover letter of no more than one page – Attached separately. Curriculum Vitae – Attached separately. Contact details of at least three referees. Preliminary proposed PEA process, including fundamental context analysis, methodology, report structure, and timeline informed by this ToR. An indicative budget that includes all expected costs, broken down to demonstrate what each cost covers. Sample Political Economy Analysis conducted. Send completed proposals to consultancies@aphrc.org and cc procurement@aphrc.org with the subject line “Political Economy Analysis Consultancy” by May 6, 2022. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. APHRC is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the protection of vulnerable persons.